Tier 3 – Kerrigan, Sylvanas, Lost Vikings, Valla, Kael’Thas, Jaina With that said, here are my picks based on their ability to win games in Quick Match solo queue in the hands of a skilled player: Stitches can be one of the strongest gankers with backup, but has trouble killing solo or with an uncoordinated team. Hammer can push lanes faster than anyone but without a good team protecting her, she is extremely vulnerable and will get ganked repeatedly. A fantastic Li Li probably won’t win the game if their tank and assassins are bad players, as she can’t push hard on her own or deal damage to the right targets. Other heroes who cannot do all of those things listed above will not have the opportunity to influence the game as much as they need to in order to “carry” their team to victory in solo queue. A good player who can influence the game in multiple ways, like those listed above, can slowly build a huge advantage for their team over the course of a game. The goal is to maximize the amount of impact a single hero can have on the game’s outcome. It won’t work every time, but 60% of the time, it works every time. You will be amazed at the comebacks you will make if you communicate better with your team. You might not always be in the right place, but at least you’ll be there with your team and you might win a surprise team fight to end the game instead of wiping 4v5 while your E.T.C. If one person on your team refuses to play with everyone else, follow them around and make them the leader instead. This goes for any match, with any hero you choose: communicate with your team! Use the variety of pings available to you.

When you play QM solo and are being matched with 4 other random heroes, you must pick heroes who are strong independent of your team comp.
Some heroes practically require a specific team comp or support of some kind to work to their full potential (Illidan, for example), while others are strong regardless of who else is on their team. Many heroes do this much better than others, however, and choosing a hero with an escape or some other means of survival will keep you alive, making plays and earning exp for your team, while denying the enemy kills and map control. Seems obvious, staying alive is a good thing. Being able to make that single play late game with a well timed heroic will win many games. A majority of games end late game when one team wipes the other in a team fight. Heroes that can quickly bring down structures solo can single handedly win the game for their team with backdoor pushes, giving them the experience advantage and distracting members of the enemy team who come to defend.

You can’t win without breaking some walls and forts down. Getting to level 10 first and winning the team fight is the easiest way to start a steamroll to victory as it will increase team morale and also crush your enemies spirits. Preferred heroes can also clear creep early so that you can beat the enemy team to level 10 and get your heroics. This allows a smart solo hero to quickly soak experience for their team to give them the level advantage AND still be able to return to the fight in time. While there is no hero in HotS that can “carry” 1v5 like a farmed hero in League of Legends or Dota 2 can, a strong QM solo queue hero can semi-carry if they are able to: Not the best but enough that I wanted to share my thoughts with anyone else who is newer to the game and wondering what heroes to spend their hard earned gold on. I recently got into Diamond in QM (MMR 2726), almost entirely through solo queue games. So, I thought I would put together a guide of what I think are the best heroes to use for Quick Match solo queue. A hero that’s strong in competitive team games may not be as strong in solo queue. I see people asking in General chat a lot for strong hero recommendations, but a strong hero depends on what game modes you play and who you play with. Heroes of the Storm Best Quick Match Solo Queue Heroes by watchnickdie